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Wednesday 3 March 2010

Further to my previous....

Well, it happened. I'm having some work done at Cardigan Towers and have had to show decorators and sundry tradesman around the place making massive and unreasonable demands (there's no point living in a place that's painted the wrong colour!). Naturally, the poster came down, as did a couple of adornments on the base of my bed. What I completely forgot about was a picture standing on the mantelpiece looking like the illustration below; I'm so used to it I simply don't see it any more. For regular readers of this blog (ha ha!) It'll be a somewhat familiar image, referred to elsewhere as a cracking cardigan.  It's about 6cm x 4cm and looks like a framed photograph.

So, people have been in and out to measure stuff and to bleed radiators and various other tasks and have naturally said nothing; they are after all British. Except for the plumbers, they're Polish, don't know how cardigans go down in that neck of the woods, but they know I'm British so probably expect a certain level of weirdness. I can't even say I was caused any embarrassment as I was unaware of it at the time.

The other upshot of this getting stuff done business is having to pack things up to clear rooms for various artisans to ply their trades. This has meant a chunk of the cardigan collection has had to be packed away in black bags and piled up out of the way. Thus my rack of assorted cards (see the picture with my last post) is no longer easily available and my choice is limited if I'm not going to rummage through bags. I am a fetishist, I miss my cardigan collection. I have acesss to only a few specimens and I'm missing them. Added to that the weather is getting warmer by the day and my excuse to wear them when I go out is declining. No, please, no sympathy, it's my own fault (well, not the weather obviously) and I must live with the consequences of my decisions. Perhaps next week I'll have something more cheerfull to relate.

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