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Thursday 25 February 2010

Making my room cardigan freindly

Some considerable time back I decided to indulge myself in a fully cardigan-centric lifestyle. To this end I used an image, which has found its way round the web among the few aficionados of my particular fetish, to make a large poster out of multiple sheets of A4. I used a site called rasterbation. If they ever look at the images which pass through their site I can't imagine what they may have made of this one, they never came back to me despite having an email address to which they delivered the image as multiple PDFs. I fondly imagine they thought, "huh, another cardigan fetishist" and took little notice of it, much in the same way the thousands of visitors to this blog probably do (I don't use smilies, but you get my drift.).

Anyway, great image, practically life-size, on my wall to remind me what I know anyway. The real thrill is that my familiarity with it makes me forget it's there, with potentially hilarious consequences. Perhaps I'll reveal more in a later post.

Anyway, here's what it looks like, taken on a crap camera, so bad it seems unable properly to resolve a gentleman's enbonpoint.

You're going to tell me it's juvenile, aren't you? Well yes it is, but I like it.

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