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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Gay Times

Did anybody read the December '09 edition of Gay Times? Me neither, but I saw the cover and that nearly made me buy it. A man in a cardigan, next to his skin, woo hoo! Too good looking to be real, probably a straight model (they do exist) for whom the agency was happy to find an easy pre-christmas gig.

My point? I have two things to say, one is about a magazine like Gay Times. What's it for? To attract advertisers, that's all; the pink pound is plentiful and somewhat recession resistant. There's a bit of editorial in there to fill in the spaces between the adverts but like in-flight magazines their main aim is to be as general as possible and not scare anybody away. I see they've done an item about that vile bitch who wrote about poor Stephen Gately in the Mail, well radical. But hey guys, lets put all that behind us and spend those pink pounds. Oh yeah, if you're poor and queer, fuck off!

Bitter, me? Anyway I'm supposed to be writing about cardigans, so to the second point. The cardigan on this cover reminds me of one I had many years ago which despite regular washing became so encrusted with gentleman's relish, if you get my meaning, that it cracked. Yes cracked, it didn't tear like a fabric but cracked like a sheet of plastic. You didn't need or want to know that, I fully understand but I just wanted to poison the well of all that is Gay Times with as unsavoury a cardigan related image as I could muster. I may be alone in this, but I feel so much better now.
It's snowing outside at present, time to button up and get down the shops.

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