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Tuesday 18 March 2014

It's been a long time. I've moved house, I no longer live in the Great Wen. Home will still be referred to as cardigan towers but there'll be a lot more room.

Having all this space has led me to ponder on the nature of space and seeing a story in the papers today about the discovery of gravitational waves led me to reading about the big rip. The big rip is a theory about the end of the universe that will come about in about 22 billion years if certain assumptions are met. All a bit cosmological but anyway, matter falls apart so my cardigans won't need washing any more. The involvement of cardigans in this cataclysm doesn't end there. The illustration below indicates what will happen in the run up to the big rip.

Now it may just be me, almost certainly is, but that image looks decidedly like a cardigan. If I were a "spiritual" person or given to being messianic I'd be writing a couple of paragraphs of bollox about this. As it happens I'm not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the room!