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Friday 10 September 2010

Cardigan Towers

Not posted anything for a while, if you’ve been following this blog you will be aware that Cardigan Towers has been undergoing a bit of a refurbishment. You may also recall that I promised a glimpse when it’s finished. Well, finished it is, except for a bit of tidying up. So here’s a little look into Cardiganwearers world.

It’s taken through the door of my bedroom, otherwise known as the Cardigan Room. In an ideal world I’d have a cardigan room as well as a bedroom but the cost of living in Cardiganland precludes that possibility. Given that what you see is an extension to a cardboard box in a multi storey car park on the outskirts of Cardiganland, I think it’s come out quite well.

You can see my shoe rack; regular readers might be surprised to hear that I wear shoes as well as cardigans. Above that on the mantelpiece is a favourite photograph, which can be seen elsewhere on this blog. Just visible to the left of that is the chrome plated sheen of  a well used Gomco circumcision clamp, now enjoying a comfortable retirement after a lifetime of cock-enhancing work.

And what’s this? There would appear to be a cardigan in shot, how did that get there?

It may have come from the three boxes of them to the right of the fireplace. And they’re not the only ones, yes I’ve been able to unpack all the cards I put away while the work was being done; I’m whole again. Atop the bookcase from which the cardigan hangs you can see a fan; given the peculiarity of my interest it may be my only one.

That’ll be all for today except to thank a reader, Gary S, who left a comment, or so I was informed by email, but I can’t find it in the comments section of the blog. Probably my own fault, but thanks again Gary, good to hear someone reads this shit.

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