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Saturday 5 June 2010


I am sure I'm not alone in noticing the decline in the quality of poppers; the current variety are shite. It seems the old formulation is now illegal within the EU, something to do with rats getting cancer if they're immersed in the stuff for half their lives.

As a complete screaming pervert I rather relied on the old amyl nitrite to fire up the imagination and make almost anything into a turn-on. I have a theory that poppers promote the release of a hormone, hitherto unknown to science (and because you cant get the real stuff anymore, likely to remain that way), preposterone which makes even the most preposterous things seem sexy. This "theory" remains in the realms of idle speculation; my chance of a Nobel prize having been scuppered by a piece of unimaginative legislation preventing further legitimate experimentation.

All is not lost; there are brands out there that give nearly the rush of the old stuff. These are the large bottle brands, Iron Horse and similar but I suspect they just succeed because the larger diameter neck on the bottle permits a bigger dose.

More hope, too, emerges from the fact that it is only illegal to sell the old formula stuff, not to possess it or even manufacture it. The chemistry is simple, the procedure not too complicated and the chemicals easy to get in principal. My reservation is that getting these chemicals will arouse suspicion and I think any nitrate chemical purchases will flag something dodgy to various authorities. Protesting that you use the stuff to fuel a weird fetish will probably only attract even more unwelcome scrutiny; in short you're fucked.

Regular readers (yeah, just me...) will have noticed that I've not posted for a while. This is because of the turmoil produced by the refurbishment of Cardigan Towers. It's going well and I'll post some pictures at some stage.

You can see a vid of me wearing this at

Will post more soon, do look in again.

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